Welcome to 2022

It’s hard to know where to start given we are somehow over halfway through January and I am yet to sit and make a coherent plan for the year- as I have said to a few people, the wheel/s I have set in motion seem to be pulling me forward rather than me being in control! I hope YOU are having as good a January as possible; with so much going on for us all I am trying to be mindful that for many of us, this is a tough month after a tough few years anyway. You cannot go wrong with a funny meme and Jasmine Leann nailed it on our No Comment Required instagram page.

So, first things first; I started the year being listed as one of 100 incredible women in the #ialso100 list by F:entrepreneur which is just amazing and there are so many brilliant people on the list as well as some fellow adaptive designers! Unhidden is of course full steam ahead with multiple collaborations in the pipeline not to mention new colours and designs coming this year- as well as our first ever official-with-London-Fashion_Week show!! Details are being confirmed for that, but I will also be showing with London Represents and Fashion Show Live, click on either for ticket details.

Before all of that excitement however is the EnduRow challenge, in its second year; founder Steven Dowd is a force for positive change and if you can support this endeavour (or even participate!) that would be incredible.

From Endurows’ website:

EnduRow Challenge is inspired by one man’s against-the-odds recovery journey following total paralysis.Founder Steven Dowd sustained a devastating spinal cord injury in a 2016 cycling accident that left him with no movement or sensation below the neck and a bleak prognosis.

With hope and the help of Wings For Life, Steven underwent a clinical research trial and regained some sensation. He made a promise to his family and began a journey towards mobility. 200 days later he fulfilled that promise and carried the turkey to the Christmas table, walking unaided.

Today, Steven helps others by creating charity challenge events in support of those with impairments. EnduRow Challenge is the greatest to date.

As if all that wasn’t quite enough, I am also super excited and fricking nervous because I will be doing my first ever TedX talk in Brighton on April 22nd! You can meet the other confirmed speakers and book tickets here.


An interview with Unhidden Founder Victoria Jenkins: Inspiration, Investment, Vogue and Secret Projects